Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 10 Chapter 85:52-59

Book 10: Eighty-five (Latter Half)


Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 10: Chapter 85: Verses 52-59

(Pariksit,) having thus explained Their mission to Bali, the two Brothers took the children with Them and, duly worshipped by Bali, returned to Dwaraka and handed over the children to mother Devaki. At the sight of those children, milk began to flow from the breasts of Devaki through (excess of) maternal love. Placing them on her lap, she embraced them and repeatedly smell their crowns. Overwhelmed with emotion at the touch of her children, she suckled them with great delight, deluded as she was by the Lord's Yogamaya, which takes the form of affection in order to keep the cycle of creation going on.The milk in Devaki's breasts was veritable nectar; for it was the remnant of what had been tasted by Sri Krsna. Having suckled such milk and, blessed with the touch of the Supreme Lord, they attained knowledge of the Self.
They (now) bowed to Sri Krsna (the Protector of cows), (mother Devaki), their father (Vasudeva) and Balarama, and ascended the abode of the celestials in the presence of all. Mother Devaki was astounded to see her deceased children return to earth and then depart again, and concluded that it was nothing but a sport of Sri Krsna, 0 protector of men! Sri Krsna, O scion of Bharata, is the same as the Supreme Spirit; His powers are unlimited. Endless are His exploits which are so wonderful as this, Suta resumed : 0 sages, the fame and glory of Sri Krsna are immortal. The stories of His sports rid the world of all sins and bring delight to the ears of devotees and saints. They have been narrated by the revered Sri Suka, son of Vyasa (himself). He who constantly hear them or repeats them to others gets his mind fixed in the (almighty) Lord, and attains His abode of eternal Bliss.

Thus ends the eighty-fifth discourse entitled Krsna brings back His deceased elder brothers (from the abode of Bali)" in the latter half of Book Ten of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita



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