Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 12 Chapter 2:25-39

Book 12: Chapter 2

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 12: Chapter 2: Verses 25-39

in one zodiacal house and the Pusya constellation is in the ascendant, then it will be (known Those kings of the solar and lunar dynasties who are no more; who are present and who are (yet) to come have been briefly mentioned to you. The period commencing from your birth and ending with the coronation of Nanda would come to one thousand one hundred and fifteen years. When constellations comprising the Great Bear rise in the heavens, two of them become visible first. Midway between (in the north-western line,) appears at night one of the constellations (from among Aswini and others). The stars of the Great Bear remain united with that constellation for one hundred human years. The said stars now appear near the constellation known by the name of Magha during your regime. The all-effulgent personality (consisting of pure Sattva) of Lord Visnu (Himself) appeared under the name of Sri Krsna. The moment He ascended to (His divine abode in) Heaven the Kali age entered the world, when people take delight in sin. So long as the aforesaid Lord of Laksmi touched the earth, Kali could not prevail over it. When the seven stars constituting the Great Bear enter the constellation of Magha Kaliyuga embarks on its career of twelve hundred celestial years (or 432,000) human years). When from the Maghas the stars of the Great Bear pass on to the constellation of Purvasadha, then from the time of King (Mahapadma) Nanda onwards Kali will gain ascendancy. Persons learned in ancient history maintain that the age of Kali set in on the very day, (nay,) the very moment Sri Krsna ascended to (His abode in) heaven. (Pariksit !) at the end of one thousand celestial years and of the fourth Yuga (Kaliyuga) Krtayuga will prevail again, when the mind of men will reveal (to them the true nature of) the Self. (Even) as the career of Manu's race on earth has been described (with its ups and downs) the rise and fall, from age to age, of the Vaisyas, Sudras and Brahmanas (too). should be similarly understood. Of the high-souled men mentioned heretofore, who are (now) known (merely) by their names and who survive in the form of (their) stories (only), glory alone remains on earth. Devapi, brother of Santanu, and Maru of lkswaku's line, both of whom are possessed of great powers of Yoga, are (still) alive in the village of Kalapa. Instructed (and commanded) by Lord Vasudeva (Kalki), both will appear (once more) on earth at the close of the Kali age, and propagate virtue as before alongwith the institution of Varnas (grades of society) and Asramas (stages of life). The round of the four Yugas, viz., Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali, runs its course in this order of sequence for (all) living beings on earth.



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