Gyaneshwari 743

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



30. That which knows when to act and when to desist, what ought to be done and what ought not to be done, the cause of fear and fearlessness, that intellect, O Partha, arises from sattvic quality. The obligatory actions which you are qualified to do and which are enjoined upon you by the scripture, are the best. One should perform these actions with an eye on their fruit, namely attainment of the Self, just as a thirsty person drinks water (696-700).

Their performance frees one from the danger of rebirth and facilitates the attainment of liberation. The wise person who performs such actions, becomes free from the fear of worldly existence and takes to the path of liberation. That intellect which has faith in the obligatory actions and resolves to perform them is sure to attain liberation. So why not leap into action by raising renunciation on the foundation of activity? A person afflicted by thirst, drinks water; one who has fallen into the flood saves his life by swimming; and one who has fallen in a dark well, comes out with the aid of sunlight (701-705).

An ailing person who takes medicine and proper diet lives and if the fish gets the support of water, it does not have to fear for its life. So if a person performs the obligatory actions, he is sure to attain liberation. This intellect of sattvic quality is inclined to the performance of obligatory actions and knows also the actions, which are not fit to be performed. As regards those actions which are performed with a motive or which are tainted because of their being prohibited, the intellect does not turn to them, as they are not fit to be performed and are fraught with the fear of rebirth and death (706-710).

O Arjuna, one does not enter into fire, or leap into deep water or seize a red hot impaling stake in his hand or touch with one’s hand a hissing cobra or go into a tiger’s den. The intellect feels mightily afraid, after seeing such actions prohibited by the scriptures. One cannot escape death when served with poisoned food. In the same way, one cannot avoid the cycle of birth and death if one performs prohibited actions. When the intellect comes to realise that such actions lead to bondage, it turns away from them (711-715).

Just as a jeweler can determine by a suitable test, genuine and counterfeit gems, so the intellect also makes a scrutiny of desirable and undesirable actions and then decides upon undertaking them or abstaining from them, respectively. That which knows clearly, what is good or evil action, is known as the sattvic intellect.
