Gyaneshwari 742

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



29. Now listen to the division of intellect and firmness, three-fold according to the qualities, to be described fully and severally, O winner of wealth (Arjuna). Now the intellect, which dwells in the hamlet of ignorance (i.e. the body), wears the new apparel in the form of infatuation and is decorated with the ornament in the form of doubt (686-690).

That intellect, which is the mirror for revealing the true nature of the individual Self, is of three kinds. Is there anything in this world, which is not made three-fold by the three qualities? Where can we find the firewood which does not contain fire in it? So also where is the thing which is not three-fold in this visible world? And so this intellect, as also firmness, has become three-fold as a result of these three qualities. I shall tell you now, their distinct forms with their characteristics in detail (691-695).

But of these two, I shall first relate to you the three kinds of intellect along with their qualities. There are three ways, namely the best, the middling and the worst, by which man comes into this world. These three wellknown ways are performance of prescribed actions, motivated actions, and prohibited actions, because of which all living beings are subject to the fearful, mundane existence.
