Gyaneshwari 728

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



20. That by which, one perceives in all beings a single immutable substance, indivisible though seemingly divided, know that knowledge arises from sattva. O Arjuna, that is pure sattvic knowledge in which, the knowable object is dissolved along with the knower. Just as the sun does not see darkness or the sea does not know the river or one cannot grasp ones shadow with one’s hand (526-530),

so this knowledge does not discern any distinction among beings, from Lord Shiva to a blade of grass. Just as a picture on the wall is lost when it is smeared with cow-dung, or salt is dissolved when washed in water or the dream disappears after waking up, so when the knowable is seen in the light of knowledge, the distinction between the knower, the knowledge and the knowable vanishes. One does not test the gold in ornaments by melting them nor does anyone strain the waves to obtain water. In the same way, know that knowledge to be sattvic, which does not concern itself with the world of appearance (531-535).

Just as one sees one’s reflection in the mirror, so one who has attained the sattvic knowledge perceives the knowable, in the form of one’s knowledge. This sattvic knowledge is verily the temple of the goddess Lakshmi in the form of liberation. Now I shall explain to you, the characteristics of rajasic knowledge.
