Gyaneshwari 727

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



19. Knowledge, action and agent are three-fold based on the distinction of quality. Hear also about these as stated in the doctrine of the gunas. Now knowledge, action and agent, which I told you about, are of three kinds depending upon the three qualities. Do not place your faith in them, O Arjuna, because two of these qualities lead to bondage, while only the quality of sattva is conducive to liberation. As regards the quality of sattva, which is described in detail in the Sankhya texts, I shall explain to you its distinctive features, so that you will easily understand it. This Sankhya philosophy is the sea of right thoughts, the moon which makes the lotus plant in the form of Self-knowledge bloom, and the best among the metaphysical sciences, in the view of those who have the vision of knowledge (516-520).

It is verily the sun, who distinguishes between the prakriti and purusha; which are mixed like day and night. In this, science is measured as the infinite mass of ignorance in terms of twenty-four principles which conduces to the uninterrupted enjoyment of higher Self. The characteristics of the different gunas extolled in this Sankhya system, are as follows, these three gunas have, with their strength, brought all perceptible things under their sway and stamped them in three ways. These gunas, namely sattva. rajas and tamas are so grand, that they have distinguished all beings from god Brahma to insects, into three types (521-525).

But I shall first explain to you, how this entire universe has fallen into the clutches of these three gunas; for if the vision is clear, everything can be seen with clarity. So with the attainment of pure knowledge, it becomes easy to comprehend the essential nature of things. I shall, therefore, describe the sattvic knowledge, please give your attention, so said Lord Krishna, who is essentially of the nature of liberation.
