Mahabharata Santi Parva Chapter 282:3

Mahabharata Santi Parva (Mokshadharma Parva) Chapter 282:3

The Apsaras said, 'O Lord of all the gods, at thy command we are fully willing to take a portion of this sin. But, O Grandsire, do thou think of the means by which we ourselves may be freed from (the effects of) this understanding (that we make with thee).' Brahman said, 'Let the fever of your hearts be dispelled. The portion of this sin that you will take upon yourselves shall leave you for instantly possessing that man who will seek congress with women in their menstrual season!'" "'Bhishma continued, "Thus addressed by the Grandsire, O bull of Bharata's race, the diverse tribes of the Apsaras, with cheerful souls, repaired to their respective places and began to sport in delight. The illustrious Creator of the three worlds, endued with great ascetic merit, then recollected the Waters which immediately came to him. Arrived at the presence of Brahman of immeasurable energy, the Waters bowed unto him and said these words, 'We have come before thee, O chastiser of foes, at thy command. O puissant Master of all the worlds, tell us what we are to accomplish.'
Brahman said, 'This dreadful sin hath taken possession of Indra, in consequence of his having slain Vritra. Take ye a fourth part of Brahmanicide.' The Waters said, 'Let it be as thou commandest, O master of all the worlds. It behoveth thee, however, O puissant Lord of ours, to think of the means by which we may (in our turn) be rescued from (the consequence of) this understanding. Thou art the Lord of all the deities, and the supreme refuge of the universe. Who else is there to whom we may pay our adorations so that he may relieve us from distress.' Brahman said, 'Unto that man who stupefied by his understanding and regarding you lightly will cast into you phlegm and urine and excreta, this one shall immediately go and thenceforth reside in him. It is in this way, verily I say unto ye, that your rescue shall be accomplished.'" "'Bhishma continued, "Then the sin of Brahmanicide, O Yudhishthira, leaving the chief of the deities, proceeded to the abodes that were ordained for her at the Grandsire's command. It was thus, O ruler of men, that Indra had become afflicted by that dreadful sin (and it was thus that he got rid of her).
With the Grandsire's permission Indra then resolved to perform a Horse-sacrifice. It is heard, O monarch, that Indra having been thus possessed by the sin of Brahmanicide afterwards became cleansed of her through that Sacrifice. Regaining his prosperity and slaying thousands of foes, great was the joy that Vasava obtained, O lord of Earth! From the blood of Vritra, O son of Pritha, were born high-crested cocks. For this reason, those fowls are unclean (as food) for the regenerate classes, and those ascetics that have undergone the rite of initiation. Under all circumstances, O king, do thou accomplish what is agreeable to the twice-born, for these, O monarch, are known as gods on earth. It was in this way, O thou of Kuru's race, that the mighty Asura Vritra was slain by Sakra of immeasurable energy by the aid of subtle intelligence and through the application of means. Thou also, O son of Kunti, unvanquished on earth, wilt become another Indra and the slayer of all thy foes. Those men who, on every Parva day, will recite this sacred narrative of Vritra in the midst of Brahmanas shall never be stained by any sin. I have now recited to thee one of the greatest and most wonderful feats of Indra connected with Vritra. What else dost thou wish to hear?

