Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 146:2

Mahabharata Drona Parva (Jayadratha-Vadha Parva) Chapter 146:2

By that he hath pained me more than even the slaughter of my own son. Behold, O Krishna, to what plight he hath been reduced, thus lying miserably and in a senseless state on his own car. Those bulls among men that give desirable objects unto their preceptors after obtaining knowledge from them, attain to godhead. Those lowest of mortals on the other hand, who, after obtaining knowledge from their preceptors strike the latter, those wicked men, go to hell. Without doubt, this act that I have done will lead me to hell. I have deeply pierced my preceptor on his car with showers of arrows. While studying the science of arms at his feet, Kripa told me in those days, 'Do not, O thou of Kuru's race, ever strike thy preceptor.' That command of my righteous and high-souled preceptor I have not obeyed, for I have struck, the very Kripa himself with my shafts. I bow to that worshipful son of Gotama, to that unretreating hero. Fie on me, O thou of Vrishni's race, since I have struck even him." While Savyasachin was thus lamenting for Kripa, the son of Radha, beholding the ruler of the Sindhu slain, rushed towards him. Seeing the son of Radha thus rushing towards Arjuna the two Panchala princes and Satyaki suddenly rushed towards him.

The mighty car-warrior, Partha, beholding the son of Radha advancing, smilingly addressed the son of Devaki and said, Yonder cometh the son of Adhiratha against the car of Satyaki. Without doubt, he is unable to bear the slaughter of Bhurisravas in battle. Urge my steeds, O Janardana, towards the spot whither Karna cometh. Let not Vrisha (Karna) cause the Satwata hero to follow in the wake of Bhurisravas." Thus addressed by Savyasachin, the mighty-armed Kesava, endued with great energy, replied in these opportune words, "The mighty-armed Satyaki is singly a match for Karna, O son of Pandu! How much superior then will this bull among the Satwatas be when he is united with the two sons of Drupada! For the present, O Partha, it is not proper for thee to fight with Karna. The latter hath with him the blazing dart, like a fierce meteor, that Vasava gave him. O slayer of hostile heroes, he hath kept it for thy sake, worshipping it with reverence. Let Karna then freely proceed against the Satwata hero. I know, O son of Kunti, this wicked wight's hour, when, indeed, thou wilt, with keen shafts, throw him down from his car.

Dhritarashtra said, 'Tell me, O Sanjaya, how the battle took place between the heroic Karna and Satyaki of the Vrishni race, after the fall of Bhurisravas and of the ruler of the Sindhus. Satyaki had been carless, upon what car then was he mounted? And how also did the two protectors of the wheels (of Arjuna's car), viz., the two Panchala princes, fight?

Sanjaya said, 'I will describe to thee all that happened in that dreadful battle. Listen patiently to (the consequences of) thy own evil conduct. Before even the encounter, Krishna knew it in his heart that the heroic Satyaki would be vanquished by the stake-bannered (Bhurisravas).

