Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 114:3

Mahabharata Drona Parva (Jayadratha-Vadha Parva) Chapter 114:3

Then mighty Jalasandha taking up his scimitar and large shield made of bull's hide and decked with a hundred moons whirled the former for a while and hurled it at Satwata. Cutting off the bow of Sini's grandson, that scimitar fell down on the earth, and looked resplendent like a circle of fire, as it lay on the earth. Then Yuyudhana took up another bow capable of piercing everybody, large as a Sala-offshoot, and of twang resembling the roar of Indra's thunder, and filled with rage, stretched it and then pierced Jalasandha with a single shaft. And then Satyaki, that foremost one of Madhu's race, smiling the while, cut off, with a pair of razor-faced arrows, the two arms, decked with ornaments, of Jalasandha. Thereupon, those two arms, looking like a couple of spiked maces, fell down from that foremost of elephants, like a couple of five-headed snakes falling down from a Mountain.

And then, with a third razor-headed arrow, Satyaki cut off his antagonist's large head endued with beautiful teeth and adorned with a pair of beautiful ear-rings. The headless and armless trunk, of fearful aspect, dyed Jalasandha's elephant with blood. Having slain Jalasandha, in battle, Satwata quickly felled the wooden structure, O king, from that elephant's back. Bathed in blood, the elephant of Jalasandha bore that costly seat, hanging down from his back. And afflicted with the arrows of Satwata, the huge beast crushed friendly ranks as it ran wildly, uttering fierce cries of pain. Then, O sire, wails of woe arose among thy troops, at the sight of Jalasandha slain by that bull among the Vrishnis. Thy warriors then, turning their faces, fled away in all directions. Indeed, despairing of success over the foe, they set their hearts on flight. Meanwhile, O king, Drona, that foremost of all wielders of bows, approached the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, borne by his swift coursers. Many bulls among the Kurus, beholding Sini's grandson swelling (with rage and pride), rushed at him with fury, accompanied by Drona. Then commenced a battle, O king, between the Kurus and Drona (on one side) and Yuyudhana (on the other), that resembled the awful battle of old between the gods and the Asuras.

