Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 111

Mahabharata Drona Parva (Jayadratha-Vadha Parva) Chapter 111

Sanjaya said, 'Hearing these words of the king Yudhishthira the just, that bull among the Sinis feared the censure of Arjuna if he left the king. Seeing, however, the certainty of an imputation of cowardice by the people (if he disobeyed Yudhishthira), he said to himself, "Let not people say that I am afraid of proceeding towards Arjuna." Reflecting repeatedly on this, Satyaki, that hero invincible in battle, that bull among men, said these words unto king Yudhishthira the just, "If thou thinkest that these arrangements will suffice for thy protection, O monarch, I will then do thy bidding and follow Vibhatsu. I tell thee truly, O king, that there is none in the three worlds who is dearer to me than Phalguna. I will follow in his track at the command, O giver of honours. There is nothing that I will not do for thy sake. O best of men, the commands of my preceptor are always of weight with me. But thy commands are still weightier with me, O lord! Thy brothers, viz., Krishna and Dhananjaya, are always engaged in doing what is agreeable to thee.

Taking thy command on my head for the sake of Arjuna, O lord, I will proceed, O bull among men, piercing through this impenetrable host. Darting wrathfully through this force of Drona, like a fish through the sea, I will go thither, O monarch, where king Jayadratha, depending upon his troops, stayeth, in fear of the son of Pandu, protected by those foremost of car-warriors, viz., Drona's son Karna and Kripa! The distance from here, O king, is three Yojanas, I think, of that spot where Partha stayeth, ready to slay Jayadratha! But though Partha is three Yojanas distant I shall yet follow in his track with a stout heart, and stay with him, O king, till Jayadratha's slaughter. What man is there that goes to battle without the commands of his superiors? And when one is commanded, O king, as I have been by thee, who is there like me that would not fight? I know that place whither I shall have to go, O lord! Teeming as this ocean-like host doth with ploughshare and darts and maces and shields and scimitars and swords and lances and foremost of shafts, I will today agitate this ocean.

This elephant division, consisting of a thousand elephants, that thou seest, all belonging to the breed known by the name of Anjana and all endued with great prowess, which are all mounted by a large number of Mlecchas, delighting in battle and accomplished in smiting,—these elephants, O king, that are shedding their juicy secretions like rain-pouring clouds,—these never retreat if urged forward by those upon their backs. They cannot be vanquished, O king, unless they are slaughtered. Then again, those car-warriors numbering thousands, that thou seest, are all of royal lineage and are all Maharathas. They are called Rukmarathas.[1]



  1. Owners of golden cars.