Gyaneshwari 95

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



The blessed Lord said: 37. It is desire, it is anger, born of rajas quality all-consuming, most evil; know this to be the foe on earth. Listen now to what that Supreme Person who gives delight to the hearts of men and who is the object of desire of desireless yogis said. They are, he said, desire and anger, which lack even a trace of compassion; they are regarded as the equal of the god of death (236-240).

They are like serpents that guard the treasure of knowledge, like tigers in the valley of senseobjects or cut-throats in the path of duty. They are like boulders in the fortress of the body, like enclosures in the parish of the senses, and they cause commotion through delusion etc. These passions possess the qualities of rajas, the root cause of demoniacal endowments, and are nurtured by ignorance. Though really born of rajas they are the favourites of tamas, which has gifted them their very essence, namely negligence and delusion. They receive great honour in the city of the god of death, as they are the sworn enemies of life (241-245).

When their hunger becomes acute, the whole world is not sufficient to make a mouthful. They carry on their activities with the aid given by hope. When this hope closes her fist in sport, all the fourteen worlds are too small to fill it. Delusion is her favourite younger sister. When this delusion plays the children’s game of cooking etc, she swallows all the three worlds, and passion prospers in her service. Delusion pays respect to them and they have dealings with egoism, which makes the whole world dance round its fingers. They have scooped out the inside of truth and filled it with falsehood and they have given currency to hypocrisy in the world (246-250).
