Gyaneshwari 820

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



Sanjaya said:

74. Thus did I hear this dialogue, marvelous and thrilling, between Vasudeva (Krishna) and the highminded Partha. Sanjaya said: O King, Lord Krishna was overjoyed to hear what Arjuna said. The eastern and the western seas bear different names, but their water is the same. In the same way, Lord Krishna and Arjuna are distinct with separate bodies, but this distinction disappeared in their conversation. If two objects, brighter than a mirror, are placed face to face they see their respective forms in each other (1586-1590).

In the same way, Arjuna saw in the Lord, himself as well as Shri Krishna. Simultaneously, Shri Krishna saw himself as well as Arjuna in Partha. When the Lord was thinking of his devotee, he saw the form of the devotee in his own form. Since all distinction between the two disappeared, they became identified with each other. Since the distinction between the two vanished, how can there be any questioning between the two and how can there be any pleasure from their conversation? When they were conversing with each other in the plane of duality, I heard that conversation which ended with the loss of their distinction (1591-1596).
