Gyaneshwari 791

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



The wind scatters the clouds, which cover the sun, but cannot create the sun. The moss can be set aside from the water by hand, but one cannot create water. In that way the scripture, can remove the dirt of ignorance, which obscures the knowledge of Self. Otherwise I am spotless and self-luminous, and so all the scriptures are of use in dispelling ignorance. Beyond this, they are not free to grant the knowledge of the Self. The Gita is the only scripture, where the other scriptures have to come to enquire about this knowledge. When the sun adorns the East, all other directions are also lit up. So all other scriptures have found a patron in the Gita, which is sovereign among them (1231-1235).

This Gita has described the means to liberation, in the previous chapters in great detail. But the compassionate Lord thought, that Arjuna could hardly be expected to grasp his teaching at the very first hearing and so he is going to give a brief discourse on it to impress the meaning of the Gita, on the mind of his disciple. Now that the Gita is coming to a close, he is going to demonstrate the unity of its teaching, from beginning to the end. It is true, that many doctrines have been stated midway in the text, according to the qualifications of seekers (1236-1240),

lest one should think without following the context, that all these doctrines have been expounded in the Gita, the Lord will now establish that all these doctrines are contained in the great doctrine of the Gita and will conclude the doctrine as stated in the beginning. Here the destruction of ignorance is the main topic, the attainment of liberation is its fruit, and knowledge is the means of achieving both. After describing that knowledge in great detail, earlier in this work, the Lord is briefly stating it again. Even though the end is in hand, the Lord is again describing the means of achieving it (1241-1245).
