Gyaneshwari 781

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



The normal sight sees only one moon, but if one suffers from a disease known as timir (an affliction of the optic nerve), then he sees two moons. So although I am worshipped everywhere, because of ignorance, men conceive Me as an object of knowledge. When the mirror is taken away, the reflection merges itself into its original; so when the ignorance vanishes, then the state of seeing, inherent in the seeing agent, merges into Me (1121-1125).

Even when gold is mixed with an alloy, it remains as pure gold and when the alloy is burnt out, the residue remains as pure gold. Is not the moon endowed with all its phases, before the full moon night? But it appears in all its phases on that night. In the same way, I too am seen as distinct from the seeing agent, because of the mental states. When the state of seeing disappears, I become My true Self. So, know, O Partha, that which is known as the fourth kind of devotion, transcends others (which involve the dualism between the seer and the seen).
