Gyaneshwari 766

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



49. He whose intellect is unattached to all things, who is self-restrained and free from desire, attains through renunciation (of the fruit of action,) the highest perfection, which is freedom from action. As the wind is not entangled in a net, he is not entangled in the snares of mundane existence, such as the body. Just as when the fruit becomes ripe, it does not cling to the stem, nor the stem remains attached to the fruit, so his attachment to the worldly life, diminishes. Even though his son, wealth and wife act according to his wishes, he does not call them his own. Now his intellect, which had been scorched by sensual enjoyments, turns inward to the contemplation of the Self. Even if his mind wanders and comes into contact with sense-objects, he never forgets the oath he has taken, not to go after them (956-960).

Then holding his mind in the grip of unity, he makes it cherish the Self. Just as the smoke is smothered by the dust covering the fire, his desire for sense-enjoyment in this and the next world, is destroyed. In short, he attains to this plane of Yoga. With the cessation of false knowledge, he remains absorbed in the knowledge of the Self. Just as stored water gets exhausted by gradual use, so his accumulated karma from past lives gets expiated by being enjoyed in his present body and his mind does not feel like doing fresh deeds (961-965).
