Gyaneshwari 719

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



Even though the camphor has completely evaporated, its fragrance remains in its casket for some time. Even though the musical concert has come to an end, the thrill it has caused in the hearers, does not abate all at once. The land retains moisture for some time even after the water has flowed away. Even after the sun has set, its light remains for some time in the form of twilight (421-425).

The arrow moves forward with its momentum, even after hitting the target. Even though the potter has removed the pot from the wheel, the wheel keeps on rotating until its speed is spent up. In the same way, even after the egoistic feeling has disappeared, the prakriti, which has created the body, makes it perform actions. Just as a dream appears in sleep without any prior thought, or trees grow in forest even without being planted or imaginary cities are formed in the sky without any construction, so without the Self doing anything, actions continue to be performed because of the five causes consisting of the body etc. (426-430).

These five causes, both material and instrumental, combine together to cause the actions to be performed by reason of the latent impressions of the past actions in previous births
