Gyaneshwari 704

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



So when one is experiencing the fruits of his past actions, he goes on performing actions and creating more fruits of action, like a person who takes one step after another while walking. A ferry takes passengers from one bank to another and continuously moves between the two banks; in the same way, there is no end to the experience of the fruit of actions (251-255).

This experience is ever on the increase, as the action, which ends (sadhya) becomes the means (sadhana) for a fresh action and so those who do not relinquish the fruit of actions, become entangled evermore in worldly existence. On the other hand, just as the jasmine flower blossoms and withers, others relinquishing the fruit of actions make them infructuous. Just as the consumption of seeds puts a stop to further agricultural operation, so the relinquishment of the fruit of action, stops the future consequences of one’s action. Then the knowledge of Self dawns upon one, as a result of the purification of his mind and the ambrosial shower of the Guru’s grace, and it destroys the misery arising from the notion of duality. The three kinds of fruit which gives rise to the world appearance is destroyed and in this condition, the duality between the experience and the experiencer ceases (256-260).

O greatest among warriors, those who have been able to relinquish action in this way through knowledge, become free from the sufferings of birth and death. And when their vision, through such relinquishment, reaches the Self, how can the actions appear different to them from the Self? When the wall collapses, the paintings on it also become reduced to dust. Will the darkness of the night outlast the rising of the sun?
