Gyaneshwari 696

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



7. Now to renounce an obligatory function is not proper; its abandonment through delusion is declared to be derived from tamas quality. If a person trips up in the dark, he angrily pierces his nails in his own eyes, in the same way a person abandons all actions as they lead to bondage. I call this abandonment, as of tamas quality. It is like cutting one’s own head angrily, on account of a shooting headache. O Arjuna, if the road is rough, one must walk over it anyhow. Does anyone cut off the feet, on the ground that the road is bad (176-180)?

If hot food is served to a hungry person and he kicks it away, because it is hot, he will have to go without food. A tamas-dominated person does not know, because of delusion, the trick as to how to destroy the bondage of actions through actions. He, therefore, abandons actions, which fall to his lot, according to his natural disposition. Do not allow such a tamas-dominated person, even to touch you.
