Gyaneshwari 687

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



What the Lord said at the end of the last chapter made Arjuna sad (71-75).

He had understood perfectly well, the knowledge of the Self imparted by the Lord. Yet he could not bear to see that the Lord remained silent without resuming his talk. Even when the calf has drunk the milk to its heart’s content, it does not wish to be separated from the cow. Such is the case of single-minded love. That one should wish to talk to a beloved person without cause, to see and go on seeing him or her, love expands with such experience of love – love is of this kind. Arjuna was verily love incarnate, so he felt miserable at the Lord’s silence (76-80).

Just as one looks into the mirror and enjoys seeing one’s own form in it, so Arjuna was enjoying the highest spiritual reality i.e. Brahman through the medium of this conversation. When the dialogue ended, this enjoyment also came to an end. How, could Arjuna, who had become accustomed to this blissful experience, bear to see it stopped? On the plea, therefore, of questioning him about the distinctive natures of relinquishment and renunciation, he reopened the folded cloth. So this is not the eighteenth chapter, but the Gita itself in one chapter. When the calf makes the cow to release its milk, how could there be any delay? So when the Gita was about to end, Arjuna brought it back to its former state. Has it ever happened that the Master does not reply when questioned by his servant (81-85)?

Then Arjuna said, “Let the Lord hear my request.”
