Gyaneshwari 512

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar


The field and the knower of the field

Such persons know the difference between the prakriti and purusha and in this respect are like swans (which separate milk from water). Shri Jnanadeva says, in this way did the Lord unravel the mysterious doctrine of prakriti and purusha to his bosom friend Arjuna. The Lord imparted this knowledge to him, as one pours water from one jar into another (1141-1145).

But who imparted it to whom, since they are both Nara and Narayana? Lord Krishna himself said that he is Arjuna (10.37).

But why should I say this without being asked? In short, the Lord gave to Arjuna his all. Yet the mind of Partha was not satisfied, he longed to hear more and more of the Lord’s talk. Just as the lamp flares up with the addition of oil, his longing to hear the Lord became intense. When the hostess is expert in cooking and liberal in serving food and the guest is fond of good food, the hands of both remain busy in serving and eating to their full satisfaction (1146-1150);

so it was in the case of the Lord and Arjuna. Seeing Arjuna’s intense longing to hear more and more, the Lord was greatly thrilled and encouraged to prolong his discourse. Just as with favourable wind, the clouds gather and pour rain or with the rising of the full moon, the sea gets into full tide, the speaker’s eloquence waxes with the response of the audience.
