Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 365

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 18
Mokshasanyaasa Yoga

Tatparya Nirnaya :- Energized by the Supreme Lord, the Jivas performs actions and acquires special characteristics similar to that of the Lord. Being of such special characters, they manifest also always in distinctive forms. Being themselves the accomplishers, through them many special manifestations come to be accomplished. Every special form comes to be manifested with distinctive characteristics. Even in such distinctiveness there exists never any conclusiveness. Who does not have experience : „I am the one who experiences the others ?‟
Therefore, how can there be any difference in their knowledge that „ I know and (therefore) I exist?‟. Every one perceives the special attributes which are established in them. With such experience there exists no difference between the special nature and their distinctive manifestation. This special manifestation is of two nature, which is called special because of the dual-nature and distinctive in nature. That makes knowing one's manifested form suggestive of the special nature. Thus in Tatva Viveka. karmasangraha means the combination of the five-fold constituents of action in brief. Adhisthaan, the establishment (in the verse 14 above) is caused by the internal nature. The word daiva - Divine is the Supreme Lord Himself who, by His principal Action, by His Independence, by the statement, „Independent Performer of Actions‟, is in these three-fold manner referred. karma is the performance of actions.

