Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 220

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 9
Rajavidya-rajaguhya Yoga

Bhashya :- Hari Aum ! In this Chapter Sri Krishna clarifies what has already been told in the Seventh Chapter.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- He clarifies what was spoken in the Seventh Chapter.
1 - 2- 3 . The Resplendent Lord said: I will declare to you, who have no reservations, the profound secret, the knowledge together with the wisdom, knowing which you will be delivered from the non-propitious. This is the sovereign wisdom, sovereign secret, sanctified and supreme, known by direct experience, the Perennial Principle, imperishable and very easy to practice Persons who are not receptive to the Perennial Principles, O Arjuna, not attaining Me, return back to the life of mortality.
Bhashya :- Sovereign wisdom is the Prime Wisdom, प्रत्यक्षावगमम् known only through direct experience of Brahman. That which is established by alternate, archetype vision is प्रत्यक्ष: (प्रति + अक्ष ). Therefore, scripture says: “That which is established in breath is different than the Primal Breath, the presiding deity. This presiding deity will not know Him, but he is like the body for the Lord”. “That which is established in Speech”. “That which is established in the Eye” etc. “That Purusha, established within the eye, sees”, thus in Moksha Dharma. “Of the size of the thumb He who abides in the space of the size of a thumb”. “You (established) in the Mind, in the Moon, in the eyes and in the Sun etc”, thus in Baabhravya section of Samaveda. “Having established in each of the presiding deities of the sense organs as the perceiver, He is known as pratyaksha, (the archetype of the Eye). He who knows Him as pratyaksha becomes a man of wisdom' thus in Varuna section of Samaveda. Dharma is the supreme Lord; whatever is spoken about Him is the subject matter of Dharma. He upholds the entire world, therefore He is Dharma. As the upholder of Dharma, He is the pinnacle, thus in Moksha Dharma. The one who upholds the Perennial Principles is the equanimous One. Having supported the entire world, all the beings are also being supported, thus, in Samaveda. “In the beginning only the Lord as Dharma was known to exist, neither the earth, nor the wind nor the space; neither Brahma, nor Rudra, nor the Gods, nor the Seers” ”, thus in Baabhravya section of Samaveda.

