Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 366

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 18
Mokshasanyaasa Yoga

19. The knowledge, the Action and the Performer of Action, on account of their attributes, are considered three-fold in term of the science of attributes. Listen about these also.
Bhashya :- The way of saaQanaa and the distinction between the attributes is again clarified. The science of Attributes means the method of distinguishing the attributes.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- Here, the science of the attributes is the superior Sankhya-Shastra.
20. The instinct by which That One (Sri Vishnu) is seen in all creatures as the distinct, undivided (source of Energy), that Wisdom, know to be saatvik, luminous.
Bhashya :- Single Source is Sri Vishnu.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- Existence, having been known as the basis in all creatures and also in the liberated ones in distinctive manner, Sri Vishnu alone is here referred to. Even though manifesting in all forms in similar manner, yet separate according to the gradation in and between each Jiva. Those which are seen as Gross, distinct from the Jivas and distinct in and between the Jivas themselves, they are all distinct from Sri Vishnu, which knowledge is their distinctive characteristics. This wisdom being saatvik becomes the cause for deliverance.

