Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 352

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 17
Shraddhatrayavibhaga Yoga

Bhashya :- Once again actions and the modalities that are ought to be performed are spoken by mentioning ऊँ तत् सत् etc. which, verily, are names of the Supreme Brahman. Here in this world He is spread over in all entirety as Aum, therefore made reference in Vedas with respect. Thus, in the subsidiary chapter of Rigveda - He is सत्, since without any defects and is completely auspicious - “He (sat), verily, my dear, was there in the beginning”, “Aum, that is Brahman”. For propitiation of the Self by indicating the Vedic injunctions and Himself being referred subsequently.
24 - 25. Therefore utterance of Aum, performance of sacrifices, charity and penance are enjoined in scriptures by the communicators of Brahman and with utterance of 'tat' the performance of sacrifice, penance and various acts of charity are performed by seekers of deliverance.
Bhashya :- The utterance of the word tat, without expecting that the fruits be mine.

