Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 351

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 17
Shraddhatrayavibhaga Yoga

17. These three-fold penances by men performed without any expectation of rewards but with intensity and keen receptivity are known as saattvik, luminous.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- Here युक्तै: means proper for offering to the Resplendent Lord. That charity is proper which is similar everywhere.
18 – 19 – 20 – 21 – 22 - 23. The penance performed with vanity for gaining respect, honour, reverence is known as raajasik and therefore, unstable and not lasting.The penance performed with foolish obstinacy by torturing the self and for causing injury to others is known as taamasik, obscure. The charity which is done without expectation of any rewards in return as one's duty at the proper place and proper time for a worthy person, is known as saatvik, luminous. The charity which is done in expectation of return or in the hope of future gain or with great reluctance, is known as raajasika. The charity which is done at the wrong place and at the wrong time and to an untruthful person without proper knowledge is known as taamasik, obscure. Considering Aum tat sat as the three-fold symbol of Brahman, the knowers of Brahman, the wisdom of the Vedas and the sacrificers were similarly ordained in earlier times.

