Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 353

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 17
Shraddhatrayavibhaga Yoga

26. The word Sat is uttered with truthful and noble intent, and similarly O Arjuna, for any praiseworthy performance also the word sat is used.
Bhashya :- By the word sat, the creation is suggested. Pronouncing the word Aum knowing its meaning fully, without expectation of the fruits, by performing sacrifice, charily and penance with great love, uttering the name (of the Lord, Brahman alone is propitiated, this is the purport. “The sacrifices which are done without expectation of the fruits are called, verily, Aum tat sat. The Vedas call them performance of actions, since with those words the Brahman is pleased and they gain the experience of the Brahman”, similarly in the Rigveda.
27 - 28. Abidance in sacrifice, penance and in charity is spoken as sat. The performance of action as well as the purpose of action are also called sat'. If any offering or charity is made or penance or rituals performed without receptivity, then the same are called asat, O Arjuna and it is of no significance here or hereafter.

