Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 53

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 2
Sankhya Yoga

If triumphant, heavens and the earth. 'Those who battle, being brave and successful, acquire predominant splendour'. Thus speak, the scriptures. Equal importance is given to both Jnyana (Wisdom) and Sankhya (Action). By Yoga (equanimity) these two become enjoined; therefore it (equanimity) becomes the means. „The Seer of Truth having equanimity, considers Yoga (equanimity) to be the precursor to Sankhya (Action)‟ thus, in Sbabda Nirnaya.
Brahma Tarka is dialectical method propounded by Sri Vishnu (descending as Kapila). Nyaya philosophy (of Gautama) Vaisheshika philosophy (of Kanada) are imitation sankhya philosophy which is athiestic of Kapila Muni and are dialectical arguments, not dialectical methods for attaining the Ultimate Truth. Buddha (Mayavadi) and Pashupata philosophies etc. are known as profane. Mimaamsa (explanations) are threefold - concerning rituals, concerning Gods and concerning Brahman. Brahmatarka and Mimaasas contribute to the success of Wisdom. The knowledge of Vedas is the only sign of Wisdom; the learned do not serve anything else. According to Narada Puraana others like Sankhya and Yoga being nonacceptable should not be followed. The atheist Sankhya is (essentially) non-deistic, but here (in Gita) its deistic part is spoken. Sankhya as well as Yoga declares desirable killing cause undesirable results. Here in Gita war (for upholding dharma or righteousness and I as prescribed duties of a kshatriya) is recommended as desirable activity as means for deliverance, when it is said 'karmabandham prahasyasi'. (But) what bas been intended in Sankhya and Yoga cannot be surmised as contrary to what bas been said in Gita.

