Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 375

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 18
Mokshasanyaasa Yoga

The one who is saatvik could also be to some extent raajasik. Kshatriyas could be raajasik together with satva. Vaishyas and Shudras are normally taamasik, obscure with more or less of satva, luminosity. Amongst those who are devoted to the Resplendent One, such natural differences are visible. Having excess of satva, luminosity, even Pulaska (born in taamasik family) becomes entitled to be called the devotee of the Resplendent One. Those who perform actions commended in Vedas but are skeptical about the superiority of Sri Vishnu over all others, or consider others as superior to Sri Vishnu, are extremely energetic -raajas-raajasah. Those who are neutral, neither accepting the supremacy of Sri Vishnu nor despising him, they are said to be raja-tamasah).Ancestors, gandharvas and ancient seers and gods are all luminous, saatvik in three-fold manner, each one progressively superior to the previous one. Gods, Indra, Brahma are progressively to one another and Shiva Saraswati and Brahma are progressively superior to the previous ones. Luminous among the luminous, extremely and subtly luminous is four-faced Brahma. Such progressive gradation continues even in liberation. Even though the attributes do not exist in the state of liberation, gradation is determined by the extent of bliss which they revel in.

