Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 204

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

The Lord's Transfiguration

28. yatha nadinam bahavo 'mbuvegah
samudram eva 'bhimukha dravanti
tatha tava 'mi naralokavira
visanti vaktrany abhivijvalanti
(28) As the many rushing torrents of rivers race towards the ocean, so do these heroes of the world of men rush Into

Thy flaming mouths
29. yatha pradiptam jvalanam patanga
vi. anti nasaya samrddhavegah
tathai 'va nasaya visanti lokas
lava 'pi vaktrani samrddhavegah
(29) As moths rush swiftly into a blazing fire to perish there, so do these men rush into Thy mouths with great speed to their own destruction.
These beings blinded by their own ignorance are rushing to their destruction and the Divine Controller permits it, as they are carrying out the effects of their own deeds. When we will a deed, we will its consequences also. The free activities subject us to their results. As this law of cause and consequence is an expression of the Divine mind, the Divine may be said to execute the law. The writer points out through the conception of world-form how the whole cosmos with its vastness, beauty and terror, gods, blessed souls, animals, plants are all there in the plenitude of God's life. God cannot move outside Himself, having all within Himself. We, human beings, who think discursively, are occupied, now with one object and now with another. We think consecutively but the Divine mind knows all as one. There is no past to it nor future.
30. lelihyase grasamãnah samantal
lokan samagran vadanair jvaladbhih
tejobhir apurya jagat samagram
bhãsas tavo 'grah pratapanti visno
(30) Devouring all the worlds on every side with Thy flaming mouths, thou lickest them up Thy fiery rays fill this whole universe and scorch it with their fierce radiance,
0 Visnu I

31. akhyahi me ko bhavan ugrarupo
namo 'stu te devavara prasida
vijnatum iccham bhavantam adyam
na hi prajanam ava pravrttim
(31) Tell me who Thou art with form so terrible Salutation to Thee, 0 Thou Great Godhead, have mercy I wish to know Thee (who art) the Primal One, for I know not Thy working
The disciple seeks for deeper knowledge.


References and Context