Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 116

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

Karma Yoga or the Method of Work

25. sakta karniary avidvamso
yathã kurvanti bharata
kuryad vidvams tatha 'saktas
cikirsur lokasathgraham
(25) As the unlearned act from attachment to their work, so should the learned also act, 0 Bharata (Arjuna), but without any attachment, with the desire to maintain the world-order.
Though the soul which is centred in the light has nothing further to accomplish for itself, it unites itself with the cosmic action, even as the Divine does. Its activity will be inspired by the light and joy of the Supreme.
26. na buddhibhedam janayed
ajnanam m karrnasangindm
joayet sarvakarmam
vidvan yuktah samacaran
(26) Let him (jnanin) not unsettle the minds of the ignorant who are attached to action. The enlightened man doing all works in a spirit of yoga, should set others to act (as well).
na buddhibhedasn janayet: let him not unsettle the minds. Do not weaken religious devotion of any kind. The elements of duty, sacrifice and love seem to be the foundation of every religion. In the lower forms, they may be barely discernible and may centre round certain symbols which are accessories to the principles which they uphold. These symbols are vital to those who believe in them. They become intolerable only if they are imposed on those who cannot accept them and when they are suggested to be absolute and final forms of human thought. The absolute character of theological doctrine is incompatible with the mysterious character of religious truth. Faith is wider than belief. Again, if we know the better and do not adopt it, then we commit a wrong.
When the illiterate bow down to forces of nature, we know that they are bowing to the wrong thing and they are blind to the larger unity of Godhead. And yet they bow to some-thing which is not their little self. Even crude views possess something by which men and women who want to live rightly are helped to do so.


References and Context