Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 57

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 2
Sankhya Yoga

42 - 44. O Arjuna, many people (without ascertaining the true import or the Vedas) who rejoice only in the letter or the Vedas and contend that there is nothing else and bound by desires, intent only on heavenly pleasures, utter words which lead to birth as the fruit thereof, (they) perform actions like sacrifices which yield only enjoyment and power. Being attracted by the pleasures and power, and their intellect being overwhelmed (by the letter of the Vedas) their irresolute mind does not remain fit for concentrated effort.
Bhashya :- The opinions of those who are irresolute are contrary to Vedas; but not so of those who (understand and) are resolute in Vedas. Even then you (0 Lord) speak about some things providing pleasures of heavens. (To this query of Arjuna) the Lord clarifies in the above verse. If deliverance is the fruit, then the heavenly pleasures are said to be like flowers. Those who revel in the words of Vedas speak only of the pleasures from the actions. Those who speak about Vedas (with expectation of fruits) are said to be वेदवादरात: - reveling in vedic hymns ; nothing else exists for them (thus speak) the disputants. “The subject matter of Vedas is knowledge of the Supreme”. “The Gods are, verily, pleased with the Supreme Experience”. “The instructions as well as the injunctions are with reference to Me alone”. With such and other words primarily the experience of the Lord is spoken.
In reference to the goal, the Wisdom of the Vedas and in reference to the means of acquiring the same, the pleasures and splendour are the fruits thereof, thus they declare. For them, intelligence of comprehensive discrimination does not come about in equanimous intellect or for the sake of equanimous intellect. Only to those who have comprehensive wisdom in the Supreme Lord, the satisfaction of mind comes about. And that, verily, is the means of deliverance. It has also been said in Bhagavat Puraana – “Not for him is the realization of the Supreme Truth spoken in Vedas, in all its entirety, for whom realization does not dawn that the empirical world is similar to the world seen in dreams”.

