Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 43

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 2
Sankhya Yoga

Therefore Vedas exist without any ascertained purpose other than the adoration of the Lord. By this also it is established (that final goal of Vedas is the adoration of Sri Vishnu).
For the formless Lord, Wisdom is the form. It is endowed by His own inalienable power of independence. It is not product of Illusion. 'Immovable' should be understood like the statements: non-elated, non-pleased, non-painful, non-happy, non-knowing, non-truth.From the point of view of action: „Austerity is my Heart and the body itself is the Learning, and action, verily, is my form‟, (the Lord is active agency). Therefore it is not like an Illusion. Due to the statements in Veda like, 'You are that wealth (Bhaga)' where the Lord is referred as Bhaga. (All these) being His forms, it is not proper to term them as Illusion. 'I, endowed with the form of science and power, was born of that unlimited (source of) power'. 'By one who has unlimited wisdom, unlimited attributes 'and unlimited forms, I (four-faced Brahma) was created'. 'His supreme power of multi faced form is heard to be of Wisdom, Power and Action' - by such other statements.

