Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 348

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 17
Shraddhatrayavibhaga Yoga

9. The food that is bitter, sour, saltish, very hot, pungent, harsh, burning, producing pain, grief and disease are preferred by the raajasik, the energetic.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- That which is tasteless is the tiresome, pungent, similar to mustard.
10. The cooked food uneaten and kept over, tasteless, putrid, stale, refuse and unclean is the food liked by the taamasik, the obscure.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- The food which is kept over for a period of three hours after the same is cooked is called यामा. When the taste of the food is lost, it is also called यातयाम्. Earlier sweet but later turned without taste is called गतरसम्- tasteless. For the one who is devoted to the Resplendent One, even if a thing appears tasteless, the real nature of the thing should be made known - thus in Sudashastra.
11 – 12 - 13 .The sacrifices performed according to the prescribed rules, without expectation of fruits and considering the same for the mental satisfaction is said to be saatvik, luminous.The sacrifices performed with expectation of fruits and also for the sake of vanity, O Arjuna, know these to be raajasik, energetic. The sacrifices performed without following any rules, without chanting hymns, without serving food, without giving charities, without being receptive, is declared to be taamasika, impure.

