Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 318

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 14
Gunatrayavibhaga Yoga

An examples is the sorrow of Sita which is merely a performance. “Bhu is distinct and the Earth is but her reflection. Even though she (the earth) is the last among the five elements, she is the origin of all the elements”, thus in Saukaryana scripture. “She accepted servitude willingly even though she is the grandmother of all the worlds”, thus in Anabhimaan Shruti. “Both Prakriti and the great Lord are both known as mahad Brahma”, even thus in Matsya Puraana.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- There are three meanings for the word योनि: - wife, female generative organ and the cause. Here योनि: means wife, because special use in the sentence – „in that womb I give birth‟.
5 - 6. satva (luminous), raja (enterprise) and tama (obscure) these attributes born of Prakriti attach, O Arjuna, to that imperishable embodied self in the body. Of these satva being without any stains causes illumination and well-being. In association with happiness and wisdom it binds, O Arjuna.
Bhashya :- The forms of attachment in the course of performance of actions by the self are explained here.

