Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 314

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 13
Kshetra-kshetraaajnyavibhaga Yoga

Tatparya Nirnaya :- He who sees amongst the Jivas, who have taken shelter in the One Sri Vishnu, the difference and gradation in between themselves and that by Sri alone is all this world pervaded, he becomes released.
32 33 – 34 . Because of His being without beginning, without the (three-fold) attributes and being imperishable, O Arjuna, though dwelling in the body, He is neither or nor is He affected. Even as the all-pervading ether, because or its being subtle, is not tainted, even so though present everywhere in the body, the (Supreme) Self does not suffer any taint. Even as the Sun illumines the entire world, even so does the Lord or the Field illumines. O Arjuna, the entire Field.
Bhashya :- In this verse, He explains that, for Him there is no annihilation etc. Normally things wear out and are subject to the three-fold attributes. „He does not act‟ in this way, He having clarified earlier that He does not have worldly activities to be performed nor is He affected.

