Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 312

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 13
Kshetra-kshetraaajnyavibhaga Yoga

30. By Prakriti, verily, do the actions come to be performed in all respects; be who perceives the Self in this manner, he, verily, perceives.
Bhashya :- He who perceives the self (Jiva) to be the nonperformer, he perceives the Lord.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- After undergoing the effect of one's own previous actions, Sri Vishnu causes the actions to be performed by us. But Sri Vishnu has not to deal with the effect of past actions. “Badarayana having already earlier taught the purpose” and also „elements, actions and Time‟, thus having said. Out of manifestation alone the Resplendent Lord creates the entire World. No one else is the creator of Sri Hari; hence He is known as the a-karta”, thus in Skanda Puraana. „I alone have manifested in all this‟. „He alone is the one who performs‟. „I am the Lord of all creation the Person, the progenitor of Brahma‟. „from whom all this is born‟. „Know all this to be from Me alone‟ also having said thus variously earlier. In प्रकृत्यैव च इति च the adjective च establishes all to be from Him alone. “In some cases the use of cha is used to show additional performer and sometimes to show the association, sometimes as the form of weakness ” thus, in Shabda Nirnaya.
Since, for the inanimate there is no self-motivation as mentioned by Veda Vyas in Brahmasutra, the gross Prakriti cannot be the first cause of the creation, creative instinct to gross Prakriti having been denied. Assuming creative instinct for Prakriti would make the word च inappropriate.

