Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 295

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 13
Kshetra-kshetraaajnyavibhaga Yoga

यतशच यत् - By whose energy.By the energy of the Supreme Lord all this is energized. He is the One who is the energizer. अनुसारिणी means by whom the mind is energized, encouraged. प्रेरणा means having the energized thoughts. संवाद is dialogue.Since the Lord energizes the thoughts of all, He is known as अनुमन्ता - the ordainor of thoughts, उपदृष्टा - the Witness. The one who induces, energizes to have thoughts is अनुमन्ता - the ordainor. „By whom known‟, „which influences‟ etc.
5 - 6 -7. By Seers has this been sung in many ways and in distinct manner, in hymns as well as in conclusive expressions of aphorisms of the Absolute. The great elements, ego-sense, intellect which is unmanifest, the eleven organs of senses, the five objects of senses, desire, hatred, pleasure, pain aggregate organism, awareness, determination - these, in brief are declared to be the field, along with their modifications.
Bhashya :- ब्रह्मसुत्राणि means शारीरिक मीमांसा “इच्छादयो विकारा:” – Desire and such other modifications.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- चेतना means (awareness) the entirety of the mental facu1ties, not Consciousness. सङघात means the aggregate of body or organism and चेतना means the aggregate of the mental faculties.

