Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 105

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

Samkhya Theory and Yoga Practice

70. apuryamanam acalairatistham samudram apah pravisanti yadvat
tadvat karma yam pravisanti sarve sa santim apnoti na kamakami
(70) He unto whom all desires enter as waters into the sea, which, though ever being filled is ever motionless, attains to peace and not he who hugs his desires.

71. vihaya kaman yah sarvan pumams carati vihsprhah
nirmamo nirahamkarah sa santim adhigacchati
(71) He who abandons all desires and acts free from longing, without any sense of mineness or egotism, he attains to peace.
Cp. the well-known saying of the Upanisad. "The human mind is of two kinds, pure and impure. That which is intent on securing its desires is impure; that which is free from attachment to desires is pure. "[1]2
carati: acts. He freely and readily spends himself without measure for something intuitively apprehended as great and noble.
Santim peace; the suppression of all the troubles of earthly existence. [2]


References and Context

  1. mano hi dvividham proktam suddham casuddham eva ca asuddham kamasamkalpam .suddham keimavivaryttam
  2. sarvasanisaraduhkhoparamatvalaksanam, nirvanakhyam S.