Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 52

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act One : sämoda dämodaraù

The Delighted Captive of Love

Scene One

Song 1

Verse 12


vahasi vapuñi viçade vasanaà jaladäbham
keçava dhåta-haladhara-rüpa jaya jagadéça hare


O Jagat-svämi! O killer of the demon Keçé! O Hari! You have assumed a brilliant white complexion in your form as Baladeva Prabhu. You wear blue clothes that resemble the beauty of newly formed, fresh rainclouds. It seems that the River Yamunä has hidden in your cloth, fearing the blow of your plough. O carrier of the plough, may you be victorious!


References and Context