Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 403

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Eleven : sänanda govindaù

The Blissful Cowherd Boy

Scene Twenty : Song 20 : Verse 5



The sakhé says, “O you whose excellent thighs taper like the trunk of an elephant! As the creepers flutter in the wind, they are beckoning you to go to Shri Hari with the hands of their leaves. Go at once. All nature is anxious to take you to him. Now do not be late.

“The cool breeze moves so gently and the trembling signals of the new leaves are encouraging you to go. The insentient objects of nature are instructing you as if they were sentient. Therefore the fulfilment of your cherished desire is bound to take place. Your most beloved Kṛṣṇa is deeply attached to you and he is waiting for you on a play-bed in a chamber of vaïjula creepers. Go swiftly. Make haste. When you walk, the attractive profile of your buttocks slopes like the back of a cupped hand.”


References and Context