Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 89

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act One : sämoda dämodaraù

The Delighted Captive of Love

Scene Three

Song 3

Verse 28


viharati harir iha sarasa-vasante
nåtyati yuvati-janena samaà sakhi virahi-janasya durante


“My dear friend Rädhä. Alas, springtime is excruciating for the forlorn and lonely-hearted. Don’t look! The Malaya breeze is so enchanting as he arrives and impetuously embraces the tender, charming creepers again and again. The forest bower is permeated with the sweet kuhu sound of the cuckoos and the drone of bees as they bumble to and fro. Moreover, Kṛṣṇa is also dancing in this forest bower. He is enjoying romantic pastimes with some fortunate young lady, while immersed in a festival of love.”


In springtime the trees are infused with new life by the touch of the Malaya breeze. Bumblebees hum with excitement on blossoms such as belé and camelé. The cuckoos coo when they find fresh buds on the mango trees. In that atmosphere, Kṛṣṇa appears like an elephant maddened with lust. Wearing a peacock feather in his turban, he mesmerizes all living entities.


References and Context