Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 451

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Eleven : sänanda govindaù

The Blissful Cowherd Boy

Scene Twenty One : Song 22 : Verse 33



The moment Rädhä sat down on the bed, her considerate sakhés understood that it would not be proper for them to stay there any longer. Their presence would impede Shri Rädhä-Mädhava’s sweet meeting. Smiling and making various excuses to turn away, such as scratching their ears, those cunning sakhés made their exit from the chamber of flowers.

When Rädhä sat elegantly upon the bed, she became totally under the control of Kämadeva’s arrows. She began to look at Kṛṣṇa as if to pierce him with those same arrows. Seeing Rädhä’s boldness (pragalbhatä), even the goddess of shame personified became embarrassed. As the sakhés had done previously, she abandoned the doe-eyed Rädhä and went far away. Now, how will inhibition remain in this amorous affair? With an incessant, unblinking gaze, Rädhä took complete possession of Shri Kṛṣṇa.

This verse features rasavad alaìkära and çikhariëé chanda.


References and Context