Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 429

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Eleven : sänanda govindaù

The Blissful Cowherd Boy

Scene Twenty One : Song 21 : Verse 20


vilasa daçana-ruci-rucira-çikhare
praviça rädhe!


“O Rädhä, your teeth are like rubies or fully ripened pomegranate seeds. Enter this pavilion of flowering vines. It resounds with the sweet cooing of a flock of cuckoos. Go close to Mädhava and enjoy with him.”


The sakhé urges, “O Rädhä, your teeth sparkle with the lustre of ruby-like jewels (çikhara). This nikuïja already resounds with the sweet low tone of warbling cuckoos. Accompany them as you revel to your heart’s content with Shri Kṛṣṇa. No one will hear you.”


References and Context