Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 408

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Eleven : sänanda govindaù

The Blissful Cowherd Boy

Scene Twenty : Song 20 : Verse 8


smara-çara-subhaga-nakhena kareëa sakhém avalambya sa-lélam
cala valaya-kvaëitair avabodhaya harim api nija-gati-çélam


“The attractive fingernails of your lotus hand are five arrows of Kämadeva, fit to be employed in the battle of love making. Use them to take support from your sakhé and gracefully go. Shri Hari’s character is highly acclaimed. Make him aware of your arrival by the jingle of your bracelets.”


References and Context