Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 383

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Ten : catura caturbhujaù

The Four-armed Flatterer

Scene Nineteen : Song 19 : Verse 11



Shri Kṛṣṇa pleads, “O bewildered one, if you have no faith in my words, then you can punish me. You are so wrathful that you are not even trying to understand what I have to say. So just punish me as you like. That rogue Cupid is trying to kill me with his five arrows. Kindly grant me the benediction that my prana will not depart.

“O you who are unaware of your own best interests – do not be so hottempered. I am being pierced by the arrows of Kämadeva and now my prana is leaving only because of you. Please save me. May you find satisfaction in punishing me. Mercilessly bite me with your teeth. Crush me with your firm breasts. Bind me tightly in your creeper-like arms. Laugh at me and say, ‘Now you are my prisoner and you will never escape!’”


References and Context