Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 377

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Ten : catura caturbhujaù

The Four-armed Flatterer

Scene Nineteen : Song 19 : Verse 8



Rädhä! My suffering will be vanquished only when you accept me. I am over whelmed by an epiphany (sphürti) of your all-conquering qualities, and I pray to you to kindly place the freshly sprouted buds of your feet upon my head. Your lotus feet are munificent. They fulfil the innermost cherished desires of those who pray to them. They are ornaments because they are red, soft and cool like new petals. If you were to place them upon my head, my head would be decorated and simultaneously the poisonous effect of käma would be counteracted.”

Kṛṣṇa has likened käma to the venom of a snake. “The touch of your feet will counteract the poison of käma in the same way that snake’s poison is rendered ineffectual by the touch of Garuòa’s feet. Even my defects, such as the modifications of my mind arising from the heat of käma, will cease when you offer your feet to me. The suffering created by käma is dire. It burns my heart exactly like fire. Every vital limb of my body is turning into smouldering charcoal. The fever of käma that burns me within and without will be vanquished only when you place the fresh buds of your feet upon my head.”

Throughout this song the näyikä, Rädhä, is prauòhä and mänavaté. Kṛṣṇa is anuküla näyaka.


References and Context