Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 375

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Ten : catura caturbhujaù

The Four-armed Flatterer

Scene Nineteen : Song 19 : Verse 7



So far Rädhä has not replied to any of Kṛṣṇa’s suggestions. Therefore, encouraging her to speak, he says, “O softly spoken one, you speak such sweet words! Release the arrow of your tender words. Order me with your gentle whisper. These two feet eclipse the beauty of the hibiscus flower. May I paint footlac upon these feet that colour my heart, so that when we enjoy love-play, their enhanced beauty will arouse excessive käma? When they are red, may they make my heart red (räga).

“O you who speak so endearingly, these painted feet will assume an indescribable splendour in the rasa of our erotic amusement. They are the charming reservoir of çåìgära-rasa. They are the door to the arousal of sexual passion. They initiate the upsurge of desire. O graceful one, give up your contrary mood. On seeing the charming, painted feet of a beautiful young woman, the minds of young men become overwhelmed with sensual desires.”


References and Context