Gita Bhashya -Sankara 673

Shri Sankara's Gita Bhashya

(Sri Sankaracharya's Commentary on the Gita)




FAA śāstra-vidhim-utsrjya vartate kāma-kāratah
Na sa siddhim-avāpnoti na sukham na parām gatim

23. He who, setting aside the ordinance of the śāstra, acts under the impulse of desire, attains not to perfection, nor happiness, nor the Goal Supreme.

He who, setting aside, going away from, the ordinance of the Śāstra, known as injunctions and prohibitions, which form the basis for the knowledge of what ought to be done and what ought not to be done, acts under the impulse of desire, being driven on by (his own) desire (or will), attains not to perfection, does not secure the competence to achieve any end of man (purusārtha), nor happi­ ness in this world, nor the Goal Supreme, Svarga or Moksa (as the case may be).


References and Context