Gita Bhashya -Sankara 243

Shri Sankara's Gita Bhashya

(Sri Sankaracharya's Commentary on the Gita)



And, on the abandonment of all desire, the renunciation of all action is achieved, as shown in passages of the Sruti ana Smrti such as:

"Whatsoever he desires, that he resolves to do; whatever he resolves to do, that he executes in action"[1].

"Whatever action a person performs, all that is the work of desire".[2]

Reasoning also points to the same conclusion: for, on giving up all thoughts, none can even move.[3]'

To sum up: By the words, "having renounced all sarhkalpas'", the Lord directs the giving up of all desires and all actions.

When a person thus attains to Yoga, then his self becomes lifted up by himself from samsara, the multitude of evils. There­ fore,


References and Context

  1. Br- IV-iv-5
  2. Manu. II-4
  3. As for instance, in sleep. (A)