Gita Bhashya -Sankara 184

Shri Sankara's Gita Bhashya

(Sri Sankaracharya's Commentary on the Gita)



Śreyān-dmvyamayād-yajñāj-jñānayajñah parantapa
Sarvam karmākhdam Pārtha jñāne parisamāpyate

33. Knowledge-sacrifice, O scorcher of foes, is superior to sacrifice with objects. All action in its entirety, O Pārtha, attains its consummation in Know­ ledge.

Knowledge-sacrifice, O scorcher of foes, is superior to sacrifice with objects, that which has to be performed by means of material objects. Whereas sacrifice with material objects is sure to produce results, Wisdom-Sacrifice does not produce any result; therefore it is superior, more commendable. How? Because, all action in its entirety, undisputedly, O Partita, attains its consummation' is comprehended, in Knowledge, which is the (sole) means to libera­ tion (moksa) and which stands in the position of the all-spreading flood[1]. So says the Śruti: "As in the game of dice, by winning the 'four 'called" krta". the (three) inferior are collected (won); exactly so, whatever good (acts) people do, all that reaches him. Any (other) man who knows what he (Raikva) knew (obtains the same result) "[2].

By what means, then, is this pre-eminent Knowledge to be obtained? That is stated:


References and Context

  1. 11-46
  2. ChUV-i-4